No one's a stranger, not even on the internet. If you're here, you're cool. We'd love to get to know you better! Take a moment to say "Hey. 'sup?" to the peoples. The peoples are curious.
Hey, everyone! I am Mercenary Muse, a.k.a. Terri Muharsky. Born in New England, raised in New England, my adult life spent in the greater Washington D.C. area and then to the "East side" of the Puget Sound. My friends all think I am beautiful, for which I am grateful. There was that one time I saved a man from a burning vehicle, and that other time I lost 80 pounds by running. Now, my knees are terrible and I don't like running. I love books, cats, magic, edgy science except A.I. (which is just a bad idea), moderately cloudy days, lively songs, and any food that doesn't involve the ocean. I hate capitalism, fascism, theft, and evangelism. I've raised two sons with the success rating of "they didn't die" and I am very proud of them for that. I'm friends with artists and actors, the fringe and the cringe, dreamers and schemers. I may or not not be addicted to YouTube. My favorite color is "yes." My favorite cuisine is "yes." My favorite word is "free." My spouse and I are the founders of HCH LLC, and we hope to be able to work our own magic well enough that we don't have to depend on the corpocracy to live a life beyond struggle. My dream is to be an author of moderate means and notoriety, an artist with a legacy of "oh yeah, that's her stuff?", and an entrepreneur no one has ever heard of at all.
Hey, everyone! I am Mercenary Muse, a.k.a. Terri Muharsky. Born in New England, raised in New England, my adult life spent in the greater Washington D.C. area and then to the "East side" of the Puget Sound. My friends all think I am beautiful, for which I am grateful. There was that one time I saved a man from a burning vehicle, and that other time I lost 80 pounds by running. Now, my knees are terrible and I don't like running. I love books, cats, magic, edgy science except A.I. (which is just a bad idea), moderately cloudy days, lively songs, and any food that doesn't involve the ocean. I hate capitalism, fascism, theft, and evangelism. I've raised two sons with the success rating of "they didn't die" and I am very proud of them for that. I'm friends with artists and actors, the fringe and the cringe, dreamers and schemers. I may or not not be addicted to YouTube. My favorite color is "yes." My favorite cuisine is "yes." My favorite word is "free." My spouse and I are the founders of HCH LLC, and we hope to be able to work our own magic well enough that we don't have to depend on the corpocracy to live a life beyond struggle. My dream is to be an author of moderate means and notoriety, an artist with a legacy of "oh yeah, that's her stuff?", and an entrepreneur no one has ever heard of at all.