Generalist. Hippie. Technologist. Luddite. Wandering Minstrel. Pop culture Pavlovian dog. I make professional and artistic connections in the Seattle area with friends and family. Click below to learn more
These days, you can find me:
Attending Shoreline Community College as a Music major
Building Highlands Castle Holdings with my partner, the Mercenary Muse
Building teams and community with Teamatorium
Running the Musical Shenanigans Open Mic at The Hidden Door in Shoreline, WA
Facilitating, Speaking, and Writing on technology, AI, and privacy for the WFEA
Writing and performing music, including live shows, YouTube, Spotify, and SoundCloud.
Bicycling and walking around Seattle, WA
Making music with friends and family.
Click below for details, or visit BassicNerd's Den for even more!

Self-Produced and Experiments
The SoundCloud site has originals, covers, and parodies that represent my compositional and arrangement skills, and also my lack of producing and mixing ability. These include a variety of genres and styles, sometimes challenging the original arrangements.